
Arin Crumley is a poser

And so is Susan Buice. Don't let these people fool you, they are not filmmakers, they are opportunists. I wasn't going to say anything but with this morning's announcement about their new venture From Here To Awesome (I know I'm giving them links here, but you need the video as reference) I just couldn't keep quiet. AND seeing as how this is the only real space I have on the internet to voice my opinion...seemed like a good place and time.

Why are they opportunists and not filmmakers? Watch the video and you'll see. Not only are they extremely untalented actors (moping and talking in a monotone voice isn't acting guys...being your hipster self isn't groundbreaking.) But they were just a group of kids that got together and said, "hey...we can make a film, too." They then spent WAY too much money, pissed off a lot of people by being neurotic douche-bags (I'm going on info I've seen in their podcasts about making the film), and all-around brats when their film only made it into Slamdance!? Let me make this clear...you are lucky to have been noticed AT ALL. Here's a little advice: don't complain openly that you're disappointed your little hipster relationship film made it to SLAMDANCE...my god. There are people who work ten times as hard as you, put 20 times more thought into their films, that have 30 times more interesting subject matter that are NEVER SEEN.

I know this From Here to Awesome thing looks like their answer to this problem, but it's not. The video boasts it has the answers to the problems plaguing indie filmmaking, but it doesn't... because IT'S STILL A FESTIVAL. It's still only going to accept 2 percent of what's sent to it. No one is going to make profits like their film did.

Why are they posers? Why are they opportunists? Because the only reason they're doing this is to proclaim themselves Indie Film pioneers. You notice that they're doing this instead of making another film... because they are not filmmakers...nor were they ever. I agree that there are many problems with Indie Filmmaking right now. I also agree that the internet is the next distribution platform. Sites like IndiePix and Truly Indie are leading the way and taking chances. But an online festival run by people who just want to be famous and cash in is not the answer. I say do it yourself, don't help the posers of this world steal the glory off your hard work.



NYC premiere

Oscars aside, EGTTR will have it's NYC premiere on April 30th at The New Filmmakers. More details to come, in the meantime check out a recent review of the film here.

Also if you're in need of a chuckle check this blog out:

Stuff White People Like


The Oscars are obsolete

Well...maybe not the Oscars themselves. The awards give us something to strive for each year. The golden carrot of excellence dangled in front of those who might not normally produce good films. Producers and studio heads who, in the absence of the Oscars, would look else where for profit increasing benchmarks. Imagine if instead of the Oscars we had the, "Made-it-for-nothing-put-no-effort-into-it-and-still-made-a-shitload-of-money" awards. A scary world indeed. When I say they are obsolete I mean the awards ceremony in itself is obsolete...all of them. If anything this writer strike has taught us it's the world still keeps spinning even if the stars don't pack themselves into expensive bullshit and walk down a carpet to congratulate one another. In this Youtube/IMDB age there is no need to sit through a 4 hour circle jerk. I can now look up the winners and see their exceptence speeches online...the good parts. And nothing against Jon Stewart, a very tasteful, funny hosting job, but condense it down and you have what I can watch every night in 30 minutes...it's called the Daily Show. I also don't need to watch a popularity contest where a spoiled, white, suburban, boring, former stripper who can't write, receives an Oscar. I thought this was the night we honored the best of our industry, not just gave out awards to people for being on Oprah, or for making up hipster bullshit phrases like "what the blog". More like what the fuck. If we're going to start giving Oscars to people like that we should simply just hand the ballots out to 4th graders and ask them how many Hannah Montana songs we should nominate. All pandering to the popular vote does is cheapen the whole thing and make a mockery of those who have devoted they're entire lives to making cinema.

Next year I'm going to take my four hours and invest them into something that moves my life forward. Read a book, take a walk, write a poem, anything else but sit on that fucking couch.I can get all the Oscar news I need in 5 minutes the next day on yotube. I wonder how many more millions of dollars the "independent" film Juno is going to make now.

Congrats to Daniel Day Lewis and all the other classy, brilliant actors and craftsmen/women who worked so hard this year to bring us great films. I think we should all strive to make work that good. And hey, my new philosophy is..."If Diablo Cody can win an Oscar...I totally have a shot!" I might just put it on a T-shirt.



The Brave and the Kind enters script stage

Had a great weekend in NYC working with Randall and meeting at IndiePix. Jason of IndiePix also interviewed me for the site and disc. I lost my train of thought a few times, but overall I think I did good.;-) A great group of people at IndiePix; Matt and Adam...great disc and menu design! Over the weekend I also got some props from my Glens Falls fan club Trampoline Design. Thanks guys for the support, lets hope this next one is even better...and that my wife wins that award.:-) Randall and I now have a solid outline and story structure...now just to fill it with that pesky dialoge. Also learned this weekend that I need to step back just a tad and let this story be the parrellel universe it's suppose to. I've lived it long enough and I'm sure I will do a great job telling the story...time to move on personally. We'll keep you up to date with any developments and news...in the meantime go grab the disk at IndiePix and check out the teaser site for The Brave and the Kind!


This is where I've spent the last 72 hours...well worth it!:-)


Randall's Famous

So it's off to NYC today to write for 5 days. Randall and I are hoping to finish the rough draft of the film for drop off by Monday. Once that is finished I can start thinking locations and cast. Went to IndiePix today and found that the first banner is a great design/image with Randall on it...we're just moments away of taking over the world! :-)

remember to link us, or go to IndiePix and get the download...we need to show them the next one is well worth it! :-)

Speaking of the next film here is the site for The Brave and the Kind...up and running with a teaser. Enjoy!



Thank goodness for Xiu Xiu

So I'm now in full swing of production and writing for the next film due out November 2008 and I'm trying to get in touch with artists I admire for help. I recently got in touch with Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu and asked if he was interested in making the entire soundtrack. Jamie is great at getting back to people via email and so far it looks like the interest is being returned. (nothing set in stone yet though...we'll see.) If you haven't hear Xiu Xiu's music, or heard of them period...educate yourself here. XIU XIU Womaen as Lovers. Not only is that the title of their most recent release, but a pretty cool website that invites you to participate in the making of music and poetry. The album is a piece of indie music genius and I think fits beyond well with the subject matter of TBTK. I sent my image with my recent album purchase and got this pretty sweet haiku written about me. Pretty dead on Jaime...thanks! Hope to work with you guys on the soundtrack!
