
Countdown and a good tramp

So I woke this morning to find it 5 days to the premiere of the film at Trampoline Design and that I spent all weekend partying. It's going to be a long four days of work to finish. But on the plus side Andreas cousin plays a mean guitar.

And speaking of tramps...here is mention of the film on Trampolines newly designed Blog...Bounce. Get "Bounced" and check it out.



my haunted house

So I know most people that know me think I'm nuts when I say my apartment is haunted. In fact I don't know why I even believe it. I'm not religious, or superstitious. I had a feeling that the new place has been the site of many relationship disasters...just a feeling I got from the place. An apartment with a high turn-around rate due to bad break-ups...it's just a feeling I got. It was confirmed by my landlord in a casual conversation which my wife overheard....she said she got goosebumps when my landlord replied to my query. NOW, we find Toonces (our cat pictured to the left.) meowing all the time. She also does this thing where she acts captivated/terrified of something in the room. She then follows that something with her eyes and chances it once it's gone by into a corner, under a door, or down a vent grate. Mind you there is NOTHING there. She also sits at the door to my studio pictured here and cries. I had a dream that I woke to find a shape moving behind that door and Toonces meowing, but much lower and menacing...all while staring at me...not the door. I've also had several dreams where I end up accidentally killing someone...and I've been sick a lot lately. All in all, however, I don't feel threatened here at all. It's a very cozy, comfortable apartment and I don't feel scared at all. I wish I knew what Toonces saw...perhaps she's slightly autistic for a kitty...who knows.



Why I get down

Had a long day yesterday of coming to grips with things I should have come to grips with along time ago. Most people know less that you think they know, and don't be surprised when most people put them selves and their comfort before you, their family, their country, and the world. I watched the BBC wold news after dinner, and even religious leaders now think global warming has some merit.. I'm not religious, but some of the virtus of sacrifice and patience is something even most Christians in this country have no concept of. Anyway. Saw an example of how .5 of a percent change in our economy can change the world...and don't think for a second that wasn't an awe inspiring moment of quiet relief. I bet you there are people out there feeling safer that the worlds economy cannot even function with out us. With so many fingers in so many pies, I'm surprised we have time to educate our children so well. I'm learning to forgive, forget, and expect certain things. I hope it doesn't make me numb to things.

Came across these pictures of Holland from the shoot from his myspace page. They made me realize my job is to make films...if that is a job.


My friend the writer

So I've got this freind who's a writer and he's got a blog like mine. He also has a really sweet website like mine, designed by the same person who designed mine; the lovely Raeanne Wright.

Here's the blog mention of me.


Here's me returning the favor.

Check out www.bedlamfarm.com for all the latest photos Jon's been working on, as well as farm journals that detail farm life in an age old way. Jon has become a friend and mentor in the process of working the kinks out of my film. He thinks more writing is needed...I say he would say that...he's a writer. The next one will have more dialog Jon...I promise.



Mumblecore What!

So I recently sent out a bunch of screeners to people I felt would give constructive, solid feedback. 2 of them came back with a term I am now just learning about...mumblecore. I'm still not quite sure what it means and I encourage anyone and everyone to educate me. Supposedly films such as Hannah Takes the Stairs, Puffy Chair, Four Eyed Monster, and Quiet City (all films I think that are putting the indie back into independent.) are mumblecore, yet no one has been able to effectively explain this term to me. My film was made for next to nothing, with a few people, and all of the dialoge is improvised...is that mumblecore? OR is this just another label like DIY or idie?

Only three weeks till the film is available for download on the website Oct. 5th



The site is live

Here marks the beginning of Every Good Thing to Rust as a film. I've found the whole experience to be a good mix of frustration, joy, and learning. All I hope to get is feedback and ideas for my next one...speaking of the next film; here are the early stages. Cocktail napkins really do make the best notes. Perhaps a film that has more than one laugh it it this time...we'll see.


Interpol almost as cool

So I took a small break last night and went to the Interpol concert here in Albany. the show was awesome and the last song of the encore was PDA. (live below...from reading...no youtube footage from albany I guess)

The Albany crowd was pretty sedated, but the show was great. The Liars was the opening act and I wasn't that impressed. Many found them to be, and I quote, "cunts". I found them to be an energetic offspring of Sonic Youth...to each his own I guess.

Here is my own rock star friend Pete Klinkon recording the soundtrack of the film. I would love to work with bands like Interpol someday when recording future soundtracks...I hope they can get along with Pete though...he's not going anywhere.


This time last year

At this time last year I was deep in pre-production. Having decided to make a film, I had only one month to find locations for the fall shoot (Which took place the same weekend as the premiere will.) Here is me and Dan Swinton (the man with the movie camera...thanks dan!) scouting the location for the end of the film. We got lost a few times, but that helped to cement it's location for me on our return in the spring. Best location...EVER.



GoodBye abstract noise

So after lots of great feedback and some searching...of the soul kind. I've found it necessary to omit the firecracker percussion from the soundtrack at the end of the winter portion of the film. Here is some video of us in the woods getting that audio. A special thanks to Thad for making me realize it...putting it in very truthful, yet helpful terms. And thank you to all who have pre-screened the fine cut, directors direction in it and all.:-)



First Entry

So here is the first entry on the Rust Blog. Not to sure how to do a blog, so it may not be the "normal" way. Here is an image that started the web design and brand to follow. It was made in a matter of minutes and I fell in love with it. My wife Raeanne Wright designed everything, she works at Trampoline Design and is wonderful. Videos and pics to come, as well as covert screenings and hush-hush premieres. We're getting this film out the only way I know how, little by little, and behind the scenes.