
Isolation!...the musical

Well...it's official. Once the final release/push happens Tuesday the 29th at indiepix I will be embarking on the next film. With only casting, writing, and scheduling to do I'm already in great shape. Almost all the people that worked on EGTTR are coming back to help or act in The Brave and The Kind. Rae and I are also looking to brand and revamp the nameinuse production sites. (EGTTR, The new movie site, and the soon to be portfolio/book site) Now comes the hard part however, immersing myself into a film where the message is to become part of the world and not let isolation get the best of you. Here comes a year where all I do is think of isolation and it's effect on society...which I'm sure is going to have some sort of effect on me. With EGTTR it was a great year of trying to figure out what it will look like if and when society came falling apart. I've been asked by people if I really think we're doomed and if people are destined to rip themselves apart. I actually think there is so much potential in humans. I think we are one step away from figuring things out. So when we chose the easy road, or shut the world out, or think only of ourselves I tend to become quite sad and detached. I know we can do wonderful things and that's why I want to make a film that encourages people to do wonderful things. That WAS the point of EGTTR...but now I need to learn how to convey that better, to get my point across and not leave the audience asking "now what". It's so very easy to allow things like advertising, religion, politics, and ego to separate us. Isolation isn't just physical...that's one thing living in New York City taught me...it's the loneliest city in the world. I also think isolation from one another is keeping us from becoming united against some of the true evils of this world. I think or attitude of "I will get mine, and hunker down with my family, and forget everyone else" keeps us from understanding how others might be coping or struggling with life. I think that isolation is one of the core factors keeping us from getting together and revamping our education system, or health care system, or infrastructure. We are terrified of one another and too stubborn to look past our own self made bubble...our "Army of one" if you will.

It's going to be a fun year. ;-)


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