
Chronogram article and the start of screenings

Chronogram has just published an article about the film in their Capital Region version.

(the link above also take you there.)

I have to say I'm quite impressed with the magazine and I think they do a way better job at arts coverage than any of the local papers...free or not. I salute their efforts and thank them a thousand times for the great article. Thanks to Molly and Tim.

Last night marked the kick off of the charity screenings with a preview on the corner of Broadway and third in Troy, NY. Troy Night Out was a blast and I think the preview really helped get the word out. I'd show you a picture of the set-up, but I was busy shooting a new thing for PBS with my producer Brandon Bethmann. Brandon has started ZINE; an arts and cultural show that runs normally 2-3 minutes. It plays in between the programing over at WMHT and is shaping up to be great. It was also great to see some old friends that I haven't seen in years, Thanks for the beer Ira and Maura...look forward to more.

Come check out the film tonight at Crooked Lake House at 7PM. I'll be there, what else do you need.


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