
DVD might be in the works

Things have been going well here at EGTTR. I recently finalized the new title of the next film..."The Brave and the Kind" and started story outlines. Thanks to all the great feedback from friends and mentors that are helping to shape the film.

In distribution news, Indipix.net and I are working on perhaps having the film available for download through their website. What's great about Indiepix is that they give you free software that helps you download the film straight to a DVD right at home. It's faster and easier to get my film onto DVD for living room viewing. PLUS, If all works out, Randall, Holland, and I will be doing the commentary track to be included with the new menu and a few extras. They are a great site that represents some really wonderful indie films. Stay tuned to this blog and sign up for the newsletter on the home page for updates! :-)

Finally in screening news. All is a go and the first "preview" will be showing at Troy Night Out. Check out the store front at 260 Broadway, Troy, NY. I'll be around interviewing for Zine and handing out info/collecting for our charity HATAS. The first REAL screening will be at The Crooked Lake House this Saturday at 7PM. Stop in for some food from their excellent menu and watch the film on a plasma screen...very high tech. :-) Thanks to Paul Vincent and Paul Franchini for having us and allowing us to shoot there in the first place.

Crooked Lake House

Here are the screening dates:

November 30th - storefront preview of screening schedule and film at TROY NIGHT OUT.
December 1st - screening at the Crooked Lake House in Averill Park 7PM
December 7th - First Friday screening in Albany at UAG 9PM
December 8th - Albany Screening at CDFI 8PM
December 15th - Saratoga Film Forum screening 8PM

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