
Honing my craft since the age of 19

Lately I've been reading lots of blogs and newspaper articles on independent artists, filmmakers, and photographers. (local and national) I have to say it seems that I've started way too late. Most of these people, according to their bios and interviews, have been "Honing their crafts since the age of 3". Wow, I am way behind the curve. Who would have thought that the camera little Colin got when he was 8 would lead to all this. How could we have conceived that little Erin's brush with brushes at the age of three would lead to this illustrious career as a painter. I'm here to tell you that's a load of horse shit. EVERYONE WAS EXPOSED TO THE ARTS AS A KID! Everyone had someone in their life (especially if your a middle class white kid from upstate NY) that exposed them to some form of art. Hell any musician could say that, "ever since they heard their first song on the radio at the age of 2 months they've been a budding musician". Don't believe everything you read, that young artist ideal is just a way for artists and newspapers to sell you what they're doing. As if by some miracle you're going to be so much more impressed with the persons talents because they've been doing it since before they could walk. I believe anything done before the age of 20 was a write off, an experiment in adolescence and social interaction. Sure some of what you do early on become the building blocks of your personality and character later in life. But any serious artist does not start making important work until they've been properly trained and have gone through years of rigorous rejection and almost ignorant persistence. Picking up a camera at the age of 5 doesn't mean you know anything about photography. Copying comic book characters in middle school does not give you the right to call yourself an artist...your work does. Perhaps that's why I don't consider myself an artist yet...I got started way to late.


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